The secret of a happy life: Work with the brain and use its nature. It will richly reward you. brings Neuroscience on the road – to everybody who wants to change life by supporting the brain in its natural functions. Treat life as a laboratory. You never know – so you can test what works best for you.

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Why and how to live a balanced life

To live a balanced life, you can go in your mind to a children’s playground and sit down with your mind on the children’s swing. Rock a bit between one point of view and another point of view. Swing between emotional states – it is enough to imagine another emotional state.

The brain invites: Fake it til you feel it.

The swinging mind

Whenever stuck in an unpleasant state, let your mind swing on an imagined child’s swing. Give your mind the opportunity to see other areas of your emotional playground.

Do not treat your emotions like concrete. Treat and change them like building sets you can build everything with.

Why live a balanced life?

In a balanced state of mind and emotion, man is able to cope with quite everything that might be overwhelming.

Why better not live an unbalanced life?

An unbalanced life can be filled with threatening impressions of emotions, tasks.

What does a balanced life mean?

The phrase “balanced life” emphasizes inner harmony between natural states of pure happiness and exhaustion, between joy and sadness.

A balanced life gives man the possibility to counterbalance himself.

There are other possible states besides or behind this current state of emotion. “I am responsive to choosing what will make me a respected person in my society. Respect for myself begins with my respect for myself.”

Respect for me begins with accepting imperfection and the variety of states.

The joy of a balanced life

The joy of a balanced life from a metaperspective